Do you consider yourself a perfectionist?


Happy Tuesday and Thanksgiving week to my friends in the USA! How is your week going?

Whether you are listening from Canada or the USA, I want to remind you to give yourself space and clarity this week. Remember that with our actions sometimes comes a lack of clarity as well as chaotic actions that drive us towards wanting to perform ‘perfectly’--therefore taking us away from the present. When embracing the clarity and space, remember to also live with joy!

I am also coming to let you know that the fifth podcast episode is live! It is titled, “Are you stuck in the perfectionist trap?”.

During the episode I talk about how kicking perfectionism to the curb leads to an increase in our happiness, peace, and performance. Experiencing the struggle of not being perfect is what helps us learn about ourselves and how we can perform at our utmost potentials without our ego stepping in. Perfectionism is the thief of joy and paralysis of living in the present and I will talk about all of this and how we can step out of the perfectionist trap in this episode of Change by Choice!

You can find the newest episode here!

Thank you as always for tuning in and for always striving to live a life of joy and high performance!

xo, Charlotte

Ps~ I want to connect with you in all aspects so please check me out on:

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